2015年7月29日 星期三


制作:Home Office Content (homeofficecontent@gmail.com)
Production: Home Office Content
Content: Photo Portfolio
Theme: Gourmet

Photo Portfolio: Gourmet (攝影集: 珍饈百味)

Kai-lan ( or Gai-lan) is kind of Chinese vegetable available in Hong Kong.


Chinese vegetable planted in Hong Kong

Moon Cake(月餅). Photo taken in 2014.


Peninsula Hong Kong


Peninsula Mooncake

Fig Soup (無花果茶). Photo taken in 2015

Fig Soup

Braised Pork Belly with Pickled Vegetable (梅菜扣肉)

Braised Pork Belly with Pickled Vegetable

Stir-fried Rice Noodle with Pork Ribs and Black Bean Sauce (豉椒排骨炒河)

Stir-fried Rice Noodle with Pork Ribs and Black Bean Sauce


制作:Home Office Content (homeofficecontent@gmail.com)
Production: Home Office Content
Content: Photo Portfolio
Theme: Portrait     

Photo Portfolio

古裝美人(Ancient Beauty),雲霄潮劇團劇照,攝於2009

古裝美人    焉然一笑
Smiley Face of an Ancient Beauty

福建省雲霄潮劇團(Fujian Yunxiao Chaoju Tuan)

Real Man(男子漢). The photo taken from a Chaoju (Teochew opera) in 2009.

男子漢    大丈夫
Real Man

福建省雲霄潮劇團(Fujian Yunxiao Chaoju Tuan)

Master Chef: Big Wok Show (大廚駕到)

大鑊煮炒    師傅手勢
Master Chef: Big Wok Show

紅衣俠女(Sword of Edurance),攝於香港2014

Sword of Edurance

Foxy Lady (狐狸小姐),攝於香港2014。

狐狸小姐    時刻共你
Foxy Lady

Photographer Photoshoot (照相師傅的照相),攝於香港2014。

Photographer Photoshoot


制作:Home Office Content (homeofficecontent@gmail.com)
Production: Home Office Content
Content: Photo Portfolio
Theme: City

Red Junk (紅船). Photo taken in Victoria Harbour (維多利亞海港)of Hong Kong.

紅船月影    維港灣畔
Red Junk in Victoria Harbour

Night Scene of Victoria Harbour (香港維多利亞海港夜色). Photo taken in 2014.

維港夜色    五彩燈輝
Night Scene of Victoria Harbour

Bank of China, Cheung Kong Center, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank

Bank of China Tower, Cheung Kong Center, HSBC Main Building, Standard Chartered Bank Building 

IFC & IFC Mall (國際金融中心及國際金融中心商場). Photo taken in 2015.

International Financial Centre (IFC) & IFC Mall

Skycrapers (摩天大厦). Photo taken in Wanchai, Hong Kong.


Tram (電車). Photo taken in Wanchai, Hong Kong.



制作:Home Office Content (homeofficecontent@gmail.com)
Production: Home Office Content
Content: Photo Portfolio
Theme: Wild  


Big black pigeon (大黑鴿),攝於香港2015

Big Black Pigeon

sparrow on branch (麻雀上枝頭),photo taken in Hong Kong 2015.

Sparrow on branch

Butterfly on leaf (蝶兒斑斑綠葉上),攝於香港九龍2015

Butterfly on leaf

Spider on the web (蜘蛛盤絲),攝於香港九龍2015

Spider on the web

Hornet (黃蜂),攝於香港2015


Black ant with golden tail (金尾黑蟻),also known as golden black ant

Black ant with golden tail (Golden black ant)

2015年7月26日 星期日


編著:Home Office Content (homeofficecontent@gmail.com)
內容:海外華人研究(Overseas Chinese Studies)    澳大利亞(Australia)
風格:用目前所謂Mandarin Chinese的語體文寫稍用粵語,如鬼佬、揾食等,迎合香港市場



不過,最近幾日新聞報導,今年華人買家轉而傾向買墨市多於其他城市,詳見各大報張媒體報導,例如Herald Sun1028日,Chinese property buyers favour Melbourne over other Australian cities。──是故,本文雖寫作於4年前,今日看來,對認識澳洲不深的讀者而言,本文仍不失其參價值。              









    事實上,華人在墨爾本經濟主導力上比悉尼強,所以能以中央商業區(Central Business District ,簡稱CBD)為勢力範圍。


   墨爾本方面, CBD很多主街都給鬼佬視為唐人區。除CBD外,唐人亦喜聚居CBD附近之南岸(South Bank)。恰巧近月《經濟日報》旗下imoney訪問一華人女子業主即是住在CBD2011年,其中一單當地大新聞是大陸移民、當地名商人金凱平買下CBD工會大樓興建花園洋房。

    網上資料顯示,澳洲最大規模華文報紙集團,其網站1688.com.au,網上讀者人數,超過一半來自澳洲,其中墨爾本佔22.9%,悉尼5.6%Blacktown (離悉尼CBD 34km) 7.6%Daceyville (離悉尼CBD 7km) 0.6%Rosehill (也在悉尼附近) 1.1%

    換言之,上網看本土中文報的墨爾本華人,集中來自在CBD,共22.9%,比悉尼CBD和悉尼附近區加起的14.9% (5.6% + 7.6% + 0.6% + 1.1%)還多。

    還有,從幾本中文旅遊書知,用工作假期簽證(Working Holiday Visa)去澳洲的香港和台灣青年,喜歡選擇墨爾本落腳。香港妹水流柴著書說,在墨爾本,可以不說英語也可生存。她隨便就找到好幾份餐館、花店、麵包店工。



   譬如1020日,三份免費報,只有《星島日報》旗下之《頭條日報》有廣告,賣墨爾本CBD豪華公寓(AP Assets Ltd代理),其餘《蘋果日報》旗下《爽報》和《經濟日報》旗下《晴報》無樓盤廣告。



編著:Home Office Content (homeofficecontent@gmail.com)
內容:IT產業   市場觀察
風格:用語體文寫,即目前所謂Mandarin Chinese。全文以港人立場發展
日期:草擬於2009年,編輯於 20157


「山寨手機」(Shan Zhai Shou Ji),今時已是明日黃花,但是,由文中所記,我們還是可以窺見許許多多端倪,諸如今日大陸智能手機業堀起的前因、中港市場及價值觀歧異、中台經濟融合等等。




    去先達廣場(Sin Tat Plaza),想看看深圳熱賣的「山寨手機」。先行側門入口幾家,一看,跟網上所見的花樣百出,完全兩回事,展品似乎不多。開口問店員,結果還是櫃裏那三兩部。斜對面鋪頭門外擺放一堆特價新機,旁邊有位哥仔站著,上前一看,懷疑是品牌大廠反擊山寨手機之作,試試問問,答案是不知道,儘管對方很努力地說了一大堆說話。再去另一家,兩位妹妹站在鋪前,問想要什麼,於是答「山寨手機」,左手邊那位張口結舌,然後說自己是新來,右面一位指指陳列櫃,介紹說Hello Kitty大頭近來最好賣。唉!依然是剛才見到那三幾款。如是者再行多幾家鋪,當然也是胡胡混混。有一家店員居然反過來追問,雖然覺得好笑,但畢竟算是最夠市場觸覺。

   還有一點,用google.com.hk 搜索「山寨手機」這關鍵詞,所得結果並無參考作用。改以Internet Explorer附設的google(按,即台灣google),立刻看到很多有趣的網址。譬如大陸網民可以專業到圖文並茂地選出Top 10,什麼禪「機」,機殼金光閃閃,內附開光証書及一位和尚合什照,洋洋大觀。此外,台灣各媒體則一直緊貼追擊報導有關產品、市場、生產商及其股票消息。


山寨手機, 整件事,香港從生產到銷售,一直毫不關係。山寨手機是否真箇如此不值港人一顧呢?


    這種價廉物美的科技商品,背後原來大有文章。大陸媒體無論如何神通廣大,都無法一窺其秘。究其因由,在於生產關鍵掌握在深圳的台商。有一家台灣媒體得以深入生產廠房做專訪後,事件才大白於世。 ─ 促成山寨手機的核心技術,經台灣晶片商聯發科(MediaTek)在研發上有所突破,並且願意和深圳小商戶合作,讓他們可以廉價及交易量不多的情況下取得MTK手機晶片。手機小商戶只消配上自己設計的機殼,再加上現成電池,便輕易地自建品牌和型號推出市場去賣。

    粵港大融合這個發展方向,吹風多時,香港人應該如何自處呢? 山寨手機這件事,台灣正正為我們做了個示範。

温哥華旅遊小品:Lasagna ─ 閒情逸緻Robson Street

編著:Home Office Content (homeofficecontent@gmail.com)
內容:温哥華旅遊    Robson Street    Lasagna    旅遊文學(Travel Literature)    散文
風格:用目前所謂Mandarin Chinese語體文寫,粵語譯Robson Street 

Robson Street,有譯為洛遜街、羅布森大街、羅伯森大街等幾個名,此處筆者用粵語譯例,譯為羅臣大街,係因温哥華與廣東淵源深。温市一直為香港人移民海外重鎮,素有「香哥華」之稱號。



閒情逸緻Robson Street




    剛才在收銀處盤桓了一會。我伸手指指餐牌, 隨口問問,那洋婦讀出Lasagna後,見我一臉茫然,說可以往旁邊廚房看。我稍移幾步,透過玻璃窗見到內裏站住一個洋人,下巴圍著黑鬍鬚,意大利人模樣,穿白色廚師制服。右手邊有個鋼鐵大焗爐,依稀可見內面上層有三幾碟意大利粉(pasta)烤制中,下面好像有幾塊薄餅。如今已記不起左邊是不是有張枱擺放食材、廚具之類。





    到温哥華旅遊,鎮日忙於行景點,沒有好好享受這處北美小鎮風情,未免是個遺憾。羅臣大街(Robson Street)一帶走走,人累啦,就入去小店坐下,來一客Lasagna,跟加國人一起生活在歐洲那種閒情逸緻,這樣,可能就是人生一種幸福。   



The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Hong Kong exhibition version - Business tips for Chinese market

編著:Home Office Content (homeofficecontent@gmail.com)
內容:市場觀察(Market Watch)    香港

Production: Home Office Content
Date: 27 April, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Hong Kong exhibition version

Business tips for Chinese market

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Red hot as the red skirt of a young mistress in tango dancing, shinning bright even no sun, flaming lips of a beauty in no match. - It was nowhere but an exhibition booth in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre situated in Wanchai, Hong Kong Island. Decorating as red as saffron, the sole products exhibited, the booth was one of the eye-catching and graceful booths in the Food Expo 2009, especially with the aid of high-intensity discharge lamps.

There, everything red, the color of the broad, the display stands, the saffron, and so as the face of the old man dressed in his own traditional costume, sitting inside - the only people I could see when I was passing by. I stood aside, and looked around the surroundings for a while. The old man seemed to be in fury, sat down by himself in the corner. There was no greeting, no introduction when I was stepping inside the booth and looked around.

It's bad.

The movie character, the Bad in “The Good, the Bad and Ugly” refers to the man with nickname Angel Eyes who was a Union sergeant at the time of the American Civil War, accidentally learnt the name of the cemetery where the gold was buried when torturing the Ugly, another main character in the movie. He left the Ugly alive and was team up with the Ugly and Bondie (the Good), the main character in the movie. Angel Eyes lost his life and never saw the gold in his life. Although the Italian movie director Sergio Leone did not tell us who's who in the movie but I am sure he is the Bad because he was neither making fortune, nor survived in the end.

In analogy, the boss of the saffron booth is considered as the Bad for the same reason. The old man could be the boss or the person in charge with. It seemed that he should be bearing the costs or the consequences. He did not tell but I knew everything. Everything was already well written on HIS FACE. I certainly have sympathy for his situation. The money he paid for the organizer was not cheap, the decorations, the transport costs to Hong Kong and from Hong Kong back to his home if he insists to keep his unsold saffron, the air-fare, the hotel expenses are also no bargain because of the location somewhere near the Exhibition Centre.

It's time to talk about the Good. The Good is anyone who successfully closed the deals with the buyers in particular long term business relations and/or sold out the goods which brought to Hong Kong making enough money to cover all of the expenses or even in surplus after the exhibition. I think the Good don't need further elaboration as we are already overwhelmed by the Good's stories. The old man must be one of those listeners. Agree?

In the movie, we can always hear the Ugly calls Blondie. He made a living by conspiring with the Ugly to cheat the local authorities. - Every time he pretends to be the one who caught the Ugly for awarded money. When in execution, he will show off his gun shooting to scare off the local authorities and free the Ugly from hanging.

Well, Blondie is the Good because he is good at shooting? So he was responsible to act as the bounty hunter for the wanted but not the risky position as what the Ugly did and most importantly, he killed the Bad while he survives.

Or, Blondie is the Good because he had good luck? So he learnt the name of the grave triggering the Ugly to save him from dehydration and heatstroke even the Ugly was supposed to kill him to retaliate their unfair partnership for the awarded money. Whatever storytelling, he was just a treasure hunter by all means. Anyway, he got the gold and left the cemetery with a horse, leaving the Ugly alone. He was the ultimate survivor.

Speaking backward to the saffron, it is something on the Chinese books. It is considered as a kind of exotic herb to be used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In other words, it is not something for the mass public, the major visitors of the Food Fair. Although saffron can also be used for making soup or alcoholic beverage for supplementary purposes but these are not common in Canton, so as in Hong Kong. Note that top-grade saffron is an expensive item for its rarity. There is indeed a niche market in Hong Kong and China. The only problem is how you get there.

Lastly, the Ugly we had always mentioned before is a bandit. The Ugly is Ugly but he is still better than the Bad. At least, he was freed by the Good's last shooting afar from where he was hanging at the end of the movie. He was still alive. And, he also got some gold. What he lacked were drinking water and a horse to give him a ride together with his burden, the gold!

In reality, those doing business but with no wit are ugly - Companies already got enough funds to go exhibition but the money was not spending wisely or the management teams did not take up opportunities. They are alike the Ugly. Let's look back to the Food Expo again. The tent somewhere opposite to the saffron booth mentioned before was also no visitors except several staff sat down and chatted by themselves, a few empty long tables as well as the family of three standing around a table - the father was struggling to take the dates as many as he could into his bag. The daughter, at around 18 to early 20 was speaking in Cantonese,“Enough! Enough!” while her father kept grasping the dates. The mother was just looking. I stopped walking and looked to the staff but nobody came out. The family was still there after I looked around and then walked away.

To make a comparison, I would like to show you what I saw in the Tea Fair held in the same Exhibition Centre the same day. It was the last day of the fair in the afternoon. Most of the booths from South East Asia were already empty except some were still opening. One of the keen strugglers was an Asian lady sat down with the table, keep using sheet of papers to wrap trace of red tea, and hand in to everyone who stopped by. At another booth, an Asian man wearing smiling face answered my questions in patient after working 3 days exhibition and at least 1 day setup even I did not purchase anything. He told me he was selected to stay at the booth while the boss and other staff left.

It is not uncommon to see staff sat down by themselves without greeting the visitors when their boss or supervisor left. It's ugly.

I talked to some of the staff left behind. Some of them told me those who left the exhibition half day before the closing nothing but hurry up in doing shopping! Ugly!

Every year, I spend some time to go to the exhibitions in Hong Kong. Food Expo, Tea Fair, Wine Festival, Book Fair, Jewelry Show...... I am so glad to see many different faces all around the world coming to Hong Kong and bringing us something new. Thinking back how they were running their businesses, the music and scenario of “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, the western movie classic sometimes come up on my mind.